The HU / Crown Lands – Taft Theatre, Cincinnati, OH

Editor In Chief at The Hot Mic / / Website / + posts

Musician, concert photographer, writer, podcast host and founder of The Hot Mic Music Magazine.


  • LF

    I was there! You took GREAT SHOTS!!! The Hu ROCKS and you really captured how awesome it was! Except when some idiot yelled “F*** Trump, what did Trump have to do with anything that night?? What’s a Mongolian band supposed to think of the people of this country – who have SO MUCH MORE than most Mongolians – who scream something like that about their president? Especially when Trump’s administration is increasing relationships to assist Mongolia? (Sorry – that just totally irritated me).

  • gowaydevil

    yeah it sounds like that was inappropriate. kinda like bringing politics up on this platform.

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