Alex Benick of Sun seeker
un Seeker have been on the road in support of their new Third Man Records release“Biddeford” and we caught up with them at Forecastle Festival in Louisville, KY for a quick photo shoot and an interview with Alex Benick (guitar and vocals).

Brian Bruemmer: You guys are all pretty young, but you’d never know it by listening to you. How long have you been playing together?
Alex Benick: All of us have been playing together for quite some time. Ben and Asher have been playing together since they were 10 years old and I started playing with them when we were 14. Rodrigo is the newest sweet man of the group, but it seems like he’s been there the whole darn time.
BB: Your EP “Biddeford” just came out last month on Third Man Records. How did that come about?
AB: We put out our first release with Third Man back in February of 2016. That whole relationship started due to our involvement in the music scene in Nashville and Third Man just caught on after a while I guess. Even before we were officially working with them, they were always supportive of projects we were apart of.
BB: “Biddeford” has a bit of a throwback sound. Is that just a product of your influences or did you set out with that in mind as you wrote and recored the EP?
AB: I don’t think it’s a very intentional outcome. I think it’s more of a culmination of our musical influences. Which is weird cause we all only listen to Ariana Grande, so you’d think it’d sound more like that.
BB: Speaking of influences, when I listen to “Biddeford” I hear a bit of The Zombies meets The Band, meets Beck. Did you have any particular inspiration when writing/recording the songs for “Biddeford?”
AB: Thanks! I guess during that time I was listening to a lot of Jason Molina and Dirty Projectors (weird combo). I don’t know if it was necessarily influencing my songwriting, but I’m sure it was subconsciously. I also definitely have listened to my fair share of The Zombies/The Band/Beck.
BB: I know a couple of you work at record stores in Nashville. How did you get into vinyl?
AB: I actually own maybe 20 records so I’m not the biggest collector. Asher and Rodrigo have mountains of vinyl, but I can’t speak for them as to why. I think they like the smell.
BB: When on the road, do you regularly visit record shops?
AB: I never go to record shops. Instead, I talk on the phone while everyone looks at the hot wax.
BB: We all have had an “influencer” in their early lives that always seemed to know about stuff before anyone else and was always turning us on to something new, who was that for you guys?
AB: My brother was definitely the one who turned me on to new music before it was “cool” when I was younger. My dad was also essential in reminding my why hair metal is cool.
BB: What was the first record,CD, or digital album each of you ever purchased with your own money?
AB: One time I went to Circuit City with my mom and picked out a Boys Like Girls cd. I guess that was the first time I bought a cd with my own hard earned cash. It was also the first time I truly disappointed my mom.
BB: What is an album that people would be surprised to hear that you have in your collection or on your Spotify library?
AB: Ariana Grande – Dangerous Woman, Slipknot – Antennas to Hell, Wet – Don’t You, Coldplay – All of their albums ever
BB: What has been the biggest thrill thus far in your careers so far?
AB: We got 500 dollars in free Taco Bell one time. That’s about it though.
BB: Lastly, what’s next for Sun Seeker? More touring? A full-length album?
AB: We have our tour in support of Biddeford starting in September. More touring to be announced soon. As for recording the full length, we have every intention to make sure that happens. Can’t wait to update you/everyone on our progress!
Musician, concert photographer, writer, podcast host and founder of The Hot Mic Music Magazine.
Brian Bruemmer
Brian Bruemmer
Brian Bruemmer
Brian Bruemmer
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